Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Love Affair....with Marrakech

First things first, I adore Morocco-every last bit of it! I love its inviting people, old world atmosphere and simplicity. Before I even set out on my study abroad adventures, I always hoped to make my way to Northern Africa and more specifically, Morocco. Luckily when we settled into Rome and began planning trips, Morocco just happened to be on the top of the lists of many of my friends. We traveled as part of Snow or Sand, a tour company geared towards students which focuses simultaneously on sight-seeing and cultural immersion-it was the BEST.

My first impression of Marrakech was incredible. After exiting the aircraft and waiting anxiously at customs (apparently Africa takes their borders quite seriously!), I was greeted with the potent scent of curry which was peacefully wafting through baggage claim..Helloooo Morocco. After being picked up at the airport by one of our tour guides, we made our way to the Old Town of Marrekech where we would be staying. The one vivid image of that car ride that has stuck in my head was the chaotic traffic from cars, scooters, bicycles and donkeys...YES, donkeys. I remember looking out my window and seeing upwards of three people on ONE bicycle. After spending the weekend in the city, I learned that the easiest way for locals to get around the quite narrow and crowded streets was by bicycle. To be honest, I am actually quite surprised that I am still alive after walking those streets-bicycles and scooters are constantly coming at you...I never waited long enough to see if they actually would have stopped for me (I think not!)

We spent the weekend at the most beautiful Riad. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, a Riad is a traditional Moroccan house or palace that is somewhat comparable to a bed & breakfast in the States. It was quite the treat to get away from European hostels for a short time. Not that I don't adore sleeping with eight strangers, having to pay for sheets and towels, and sharing bathrooms, but I could use a break! Here are a few pictures of our Riad right in the heart of the Old Town of Marrekech.

The Main Common Room of Riad

Yes, my bed was inside the wall!

Another view of our room

After settling into our Riad, unpacking and snapping tons of photos, we made our way out for a Welcome Dinner with traditional Moroccan cuisine including tangine, couscous, Moroccan salad and so much more..we were STUFFED and I was in a serious African food coma!

I think Chili's should mirror their booths after this design...thoughts?

Myself, Matt, Katie & Abby at our Welcome Dinner

I could not get enough of the Moroccan cuisine-so much flavor!!

From the airplane to the Riad to our first meal, Marrekech was impressing me! The rest of the weekend followed suit; turning out to be, without-a-doubt, one of the most unique and amazing experiences..EVER! In only three days, we rode camels, visited a Berber village, went to an argan oil women's cooperative, indulged in a great meal right on the river, hiked, saw a waterfall, visited an authentic Moroccan rug shop, bought a rug, visited a traditional Moroccan spice shop, bought spices, went to a Hemmen spa (that's a story all its own!), had drinks and hookah, took in a belly dancing show, held a snake AND monkeys, visited beautiful botanical gardens, had a traditional meal with a Moroccan family along with Henna and a lesson on how to properly make mint tea(my drink of choice now!) and finished it all off with hours of night time shopping and bargaining in the Souks Market....pheww! Here are some pictures from my Moroccan adventures:

Moroccan Sunrise on the Riad terrace

Camel Riding

Berber Village House

One of my favorite moments of the trip! Enjoying mint tea, Morrocan music and learning the traditional Morrocan dances from our guides, Simo & Abdul...all on the rooftop of a Berber house in the mountains.

The amazing 360-degree views from the rooftop

Making of the Argan Oils

Abby & I enjoying a delicious meal along the river

Getting ready for our hike!

The waterfall that made the hike well worth it.

Our new rugs! What a great souvenir to take back with us.

Hookah & Friends

Snakes Galore! I was the first brave soul to go....and I was SHAKING!

The monkey on the left snuck in a lip bite...he was quite the flirt!

Amazing henna!


  1. Monkeys, and camels and snakes...oh my!
    I am so glad for these posts...what an amazing trip for you Al...I'm sure it's life changing. You are so blessed. We all miss you and can't wait to see you soon! (unless you decide to stay there, and in which case noone would blame you)
    Love ya!

  2. So much about not being an "outside" kid...love you momxoxo
