Monday, November 29, 2010

Crossing the Charles Bridge

I can't imagine traveling to Prague and not taking a "stroll" over the Charles Bridge. It's quite difficult to go from point A to point B without catching a glimpse of the beautiful sight whether it be by crossing over it or spotting it in the picturesque distance. I use the term "stroll" lightly, seeing as though walking across the bridge between the hours of 9am-5pm is more an acute form of torture, than a leisurely walk. This is not to say that I didn't love every second of said "torture" complete with amazing street art, hand-made jewelry and beautiful views of the city, but I was not ready for the Olympic sport that I like to call, "Walking-while-taking-photos-on-Charles-Bridge-while-keeping-pace-with-group-and-not-losing-friends-and/or-sanity-in-giant-mass-of-people" The buddy system is a must on this bridge. Thank god one of the girls that I was with had red hair or else she would have been a goner. After making my way across in one piece, I half expected to be greeted with a giant red piece of tape which I would run through to the applause of the kind Czech people for my profound accomplishment...Let's just say THAT didn't happen! Anyway, here are some photos from our first trip to the Charles Bridge. Jokes aside, it truly is gorgeous and a must-see if you find yourself in Prague.

After the olympic "stroll" across, I made one of my only goals for the weekend to make it to the bridge before the masses of artists, street performers and tourists arrived. Sticking to my plan, the morning of our flight I woke up early, grabbed a bagel(YES, I have finally been reunited with this amazing breakfast delight!) and was off! I made it to the bridge at around 8:30am and I cannot tell you how breathtaking the scene was. I think I needed to experience the bridge at it's busiest point, to truly appreciate how serene it was in the morning hours. Apparently tourists in Prague don't believe in the whole "seize-the-day-and-wake-up-at-7am-to-sightsee" and I thank them for that. I was probably one of only 100 people on the entire bridge-How cool is that?! I planted myself, bagel & cream cheese next to a lovely statue and just took it all in. It was a morning to remember.

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