Monday, November 15, 2010

Edible Tour of Brussels

After our train from Amsterdam arrived in Brussels that Sunday, we had upwards of seven hours to spare before having to catch our flight back to Roma. Although sightseeing is an obvious must when stopping in to a foreign city for such a short amount of time, the main priority involved food (doesn’t it always?). I’ve learned through my travels that what I tend to remember the most is not the famed art gallery or the tour book-worthy monument we stopped to see, but rather the amazing meal we shared or the great cafĂ© we discovered. Sticking to my kind of traveling, my friends and I got off the train and headed straight to the first restaurant we saw that sold waffles…like they say, “When in Belgium”. This was not your average Eggo here; we’re talking SERIOUS waffle. I devoured mine, complete with strawberries and melted chocolate…yummm! After doing some sightseeing to walk off the waffle sitting pretty in our tummies, we found this great shop called Chocopolis (take a wild guess what they sell?!).

If you ever have a craving for chocolate in every possible form, then Chocopolis is for you. It's debatable, but the hot chocolate that I got there may have been the best I've ever had. There was no need for mini marshmallows in this bad boy...the chocolate speaks for itself.

After finishing every last drop of my hot cocoa, we ventured to Grand Place. We were told by friends who had either visited or studied in Brussels to make sure to visit this spot: a large square with beautiful buildings framing it and crowds of tourists and street artists inhabiting it.

We snapped some pictures and wandered around before making our way to a bar close by the square to complete our edible day tour of Brussels with one last thing: Beer.

I asked the waitress to give us a true Belgian beer and she came back with Leffe 9° for each of us and we were not disappointed. Waffles. Check. Chocolate. Check. Beer. Check. Brussels. Check!

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