Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Italian Bug

Apologies for taking so long in between my posts. The late nights, jugs of sangria, pizza at 1am and early morning weekend flights have finally caught up with me-I am sick in italy. I am pretty sure that what I need more than anything (besides my parents of course!) is a nice little Italian grandmother to take care of me-I think that will do the trick. For now though I am living off hot tea, soup and the fact that I am leaving for Ocktoberfest tomorrow! I know-probably not the best cure of the common cold, but I'm going to make it work. I am ecstatic about this trip because I will finally be seeing a familiar face in my friend Steph who is working outside of Frankfurt and meeting me in Munich. I am traveling alone(ahhh!) to Germany(double ahhh!). Let's hope to GOD that someone in that airport will be able to guide me in the right direction...keep your fingers crossed! The plan is to have no plan and hope that everything works out. I have no doubt that Ocktoberfest will be something that I will remember forever, but I also know that this is not going to be a trip of nice dinners, fancy wine and 4-star accommodations-It will be more like sweatpants, spilled beer and sleeping bags...I cannot WAIT! I can't wait to let you know how it all works out!

I know that I haven't posted anything yet about the French Riviera, but it was absolutely amazing. I hope to post later tonight or tomorrow morning in detail. Lets just say that I now have a glimpse into how the other half lives and I don't hate it.

I just booked Ireland today with my friend Katie-pinch me please! Mom, Dad: I may find my husband there so don't be alarmed if I return Allison O'Leary-It is all part of my Study Abroad master plan. More details to come!

Miss everyone and I hope to post something tomorrow about my trip this past weekend to France!


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