Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Asian Celebrity?

After my trip to Monaco, I have learned many things: the cost of coffee is comparable to a dinner out in America; Gucci is to Monaco as Target is to Seekonk; and most importantly, unbeknownst to me, I am quite the celebrity in Asia. I know, you might be a little am I! Here's how the story unfolded: Some friends and I were wandering around the Prince's Palace in Monaco and snapping some great photos by the water, when it all happened. This older asian woman approached me with a big smile and motioned the universal "we-don't-understand-each-other-but-can-you-take-my-photo" hand gesture. As I agreed and looked for a camera in sight, she puts her arm around me, flashes a smile and 10-15 cameras start going off-apparently is was not a photo of her that she wanted, but rather a photo with me-Allison Garlick-Asian SUPERSTAR. Check it out!

Trying to hold back my tears of laughter, I gave my camera to a friend to snap some photos of the craziness that was the asian paparazzi. This will give you a glimpse:

After taking several more photos with others in the group-like this one 5 minutes of fame were up. I'll never really know why they did this-so I'd rather just create these crazy stories in my head. I AM basically Angelina Jolie's twin sister :)

1 comment:

  1. Dude...that's hilarious! I can see all these Asians going home and showing their pals the pictures they took with the "American Celebrity!"
    Crepes and cappucinos sound delicious. I had Crazy Doughs today...don't get too jealous!
